Howardian Primary School
Howardian Primary School is a shining example of a school which changed how families were travelling to school. Within a year their car useage decreased by over 11%, from 42.1% usually driven to school in 2018/19 to 30.8% usually driven.
Lucy Britton from Howardian Primary School told us about how they have made positive changes to the way in which families travel to their school, with support from the Schools Active Travel Team. They have written an active travel plan with us and implemented many changes.
“Before the changes were made, there was lots of congestion at the school gates at pick up and drop off times, and lots of poor parking behaviour, such as in front of drives, on pavements and turning inappropriately. We were really worried about the safety of our children and families”.
Lucy told us how Howardian made changes with guidance from us and Sustrans who they also worked with.
“Some parents were driving into the school grounds, so firstly we made sure those were closed at drop off and pick up times. This made a large car-free environment for children which really changed the atmosphere. WE also created a Sustainable Transport Policy which we shared with parents, this meant they knew what our vision for changes was. We are working towards setting up a park and stride location with a local supermarket.”
Lucy and the school team also looked at which modes of transport were being used.
“Scooting has been really popular at out school so we gave children scooter training from Cardiff Council Road Safety Team to make sure they were scooting safely. That and cycle training from the road safety team, has really improved their confidence. Cardiff Council funded cycle and scooter parking which are used daily by our families and make sure the equipment is stored safely.”
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Lucy also told us how Howardian partnered with Sustrans in their Active Journeys program.
“The children took part in Doctor Bike Sessions, and bling your bike/scooter competitions. Sustrans supported us in gaining a Silver School
Working with Sustrans we regularly hold Doctor Bike sessions, bling your/bike/scooter competitions and take part in the Big Pedal and the Big Shift. Sustrans has supported us as a school to work towards our Sustrans Silver School Mark award. The award recognises our continued commitment to promoting active and sustainable travel. The children are so very proud of this initiative, and it was even commented on in our Estyn Report. The active Journeys Crew have done assemblies for the whole school to raise the profile of cycling. ”.
Lucy mentioned how parents have taken on board the changes and how it has impacted on pupils.
“Parents have been really supportive of the initiatives. We had such a positive response to events such as The Big Pedal and the Big Shift. Encouraging active travel has so many benefits for the health and wellbeing of our pupils and has really increased their independence”
Lucy recommends our team to schools looking to make changes
“Contact Cardiff Council’s Active Travel Team – they have been so helpful and have provided lots of different opportunities for our pupils.”
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