Yaseen walks to school every day with his mum Adia. He attends Gladstone Primary School and is 5 years old. They used to live on the street next to the school, but when they moved to live with grandparents temporarily, Adia continued walking with her young son. She told us the following:
She added many positives which came from walking for Yaseen:
“He likes going to Tesco to buy things on the way. He loves pressing the button and looking right and left, and enjoys seeing the lollipop lady. He is learning to cross roads safely. My youngest, who is 8 months old, also now enjoys the walk from his buggy, and Yaseen likes to show him off to his friends at school!”
We spoke to Yaseen about his walk to school, and how to keep safe. Even at this young age, it is clear Yaseen is learning how to cross safely.
“I hold a grown-ups hand, and I look left and right”
Adia also commented on the positives for herself:
“Walking to school keeps me active, even if I haven’t done any other exercise in the day.”
Gladstone Primary School has had a temporary road closure outside during school opening and closing times to ensure families can social distance when walking to school. Adia has noticed this.
“People used to park on the double yellows, it was quite dangerous to cross, it was quite worrying. It would be great if this stayed closed. Most people live local and can walk.”
Adia has some plans for the future. She told us how Yaseen is now learning to ride a bike, and when he is ready he may start cycling to school. They are planning on moving, and although they will be further from the school, they still intend to walk or cycle.
“It will be further so I will need to time it, but putting them in and out of car seats is a hassle, as well as finding a car parking space”.