Transport Strategy

The City of Cardiff Council’s Draft Transport Strategy was approved in October 2016.

The Strategy brings together in a single document the transport policies and proposals included in the Council’s adopted Local Development Plan and Local Transport Plan.

It’s purpose is to:

  • raise awareness of Cardiff’s main transport challenges over the next twenty years;
  • highlight the main projects and actions which the Council proposes to undertake to tackle these challenges and increase sustainable travel in Cardiff
  • provide a basis for future communications and public engagement.

The document highlights:

  • the transport challenges and opportunities presented by the future growth of Cardiff;
  • the target for 50% of all journeys to made by walking, cycling and public transport by 2021, rising to 60% by 2026;
  • the Council’s transport priorities – the transport actions and projects which the Council will focus on over the next 10-20 years;
  • the opportunities for transport infrastructure improvements as part of new development schemes;
  • the opportunity to develop a new tram system for Cardiff as part of the future regional Metro system, proposed by Welsh Government;
  • how transport improvements will contribute to Cardiff realising its ambition to become Europe’s Most Liveable Capital City; and,
  • how the Council’s transport priorities will be delivered, for example, through infrastructure projects carried out by the Council and transport improvements secured as part of new developments

The Transport Strategy makes a commitment to:

  • carrying out full public consultation on the individual projects which will be needed to deliver our priorities and on other strategies such as the Cardiff Cycling Strategy
  • a programme of engagement and communication to provide information about transport matters as well as the progress of individual projects.

Related projects

Cardiff Council is always working on projects to improve travel for all modes, and is keen to make sure that everyone has the right opportunity to feedback their thoughts and ideas. This page brings you an opportunity to find out more about work in progress. Click on the links below to take a closer look.

Cardiff Crossrail

View Project

Roath Park Cycle Route (Phase 1) – Roath Recreation Ground improvements

View Project

Westgate Street Pedestrian Crossing

View Project