Central Square Proposals

Improvements for cycling
- New stepped cycle lane on both sides of Wood Street.
- Cycle movements at Havelock Street and Westgate Street junctions will have a cycle-specific traffic lights.
- Lower Westgate Street will include a northbound cycle lane.
- Southbound cyclists from Westgate Street will be guided onto a corresponding stepped cycleway provided on Park Street and Havelock Street.

Improvements for walking
- New and upgraded pedestrian crossings throughout project area.
- Wide crossings with countdown timers
- Public realm improvements

Improvements for buses
- Bus priority gate on Lower Westgate Street
- New bus lanes on Lower Westgate Street
- New bus stops on Wood Street

Road design and layout
- The one-way restriction on Havelock Street will be reversed to become southbound only and at the Wood Street junction, all vehicles will be required to turn right.
- Park Street (between Scott Road and Havelock Street) will become one way in the eastbound direction.
- Bus gate on Lower Westgate Street

Parking and Loading
- Access for loading and parking will be maintained.
- Central Square will be accessed from the South and Westgate Street from the North.
- Access to Park Street will be retained through the creation of a one-way loop using Scott Road, Park Street and Havelock Street.
- For loading and access maps, click here